Thursday, October 4, 2012



Watch This Video With Your  Children



knowledge Is Power! We can teach our children without making then scared.

Statistics for missing children in the United States are staggering and heartbreaking.

Every twenty seconds, another child becomes lost or missing in this country. There are thousand of young lives that are taken at the hands of ruthless people-drunk driver’s kidnappers, Pedophiles and other criminals. Adults who take advantage of a child's innocence are predators that have no remorse for human life. Look at your clock; another child is screaming to be with his/her family. We must continue with this fight to protect our children and save their lives! This fight is not just for the parents of missing children. This fight is for everyone, because our children are our future.
Read This eBook With Your Children!
Reading this eBook with your children may serve as a survival tool. This eBook is a compilation of scenarios showing your children what to do and what not to do if someone attempts to abduct them. This eBook will offer Tips for children and parents that will aid in protecting our children from danger. It will also give insight into predator's lures and what schemes they use on our children. 

Former First Lady, Laura Bush, said, " 9/11 came about to put fear in Americans and our children, but we should tell our children they are safe and that we love them." But how safe are our children in our own backyards? We shouldn't have to worry about losing our children to men and women who are our next-door neighbors or upstanding citizens of this country. We shouldn't have to worry about our children when they are put to bed at night, and wonder if they are going to be there in the morning.
We talk to our children over and over again about not talking to strangers and how dangerous it is to do so, but sometimes it goes in one ear and out the other. We can's be with our children twenty-four hours a day, especially if they are young school aged children, I believe that most children that are lured away by predators are taken hand in hand because they were taught to respect adults and weren't taught to fight back. Our children will have to play apart in helping us to protect them against these predators. It is up to us to teach them how to survive. If we are constantly rehearsing prevention tips with sthem. It is embedded in their minds, and they will think about how the little boy in this story survived his attacker.

Our Children are Back To School, so let’s make sure they are Safe!

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